
What varieties of blueberries should we plant in Europe?

This is an issue that many growers are currently facing. It concerns new adepts who are establishing blueberry plantations and experienced ones who start restructuring their farms. Is it possible to answer the question unequivocally? Probably not, but it is worth knowing the opinion of people who are experts in the blueberry industry.  

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Blueberry sorting and packaging – complete Krebeck line for sale

BerryGroup – an American group of blueberry producers that has existed since 2011. It is one of the largest exporters of this fruit in Poland with continuous growth potential. Blueberries from the plantations of the group’s members have been prepared for sale using, among others, a sorting line produced by the Krebeck company for many years.

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Fertilizing blueberries is the key to high yields

There will be a 5-hour session devoted exclusively to blueberry fertilization as part of the 9th International Highbush Blueberry Conference organized this year online. Soil preparation, soil cultivation, plant and soil analysis, nutrient preparation and foliar fertilization – all of these topics will be discussed on March 3 during the 9th International Forest Conference.

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The International Highbush Blueberry Conference 2021 online

The International Highbush Blueberry Conference for the last few years has been a platform where the whole blueberry Poland and Europe met. Of course, the most important point of this event was and still is the substantive part of the conference itself. The opportunity to meet and learn about the companies’ offer or simply a chance to talk to colleagues from the industry and has always been important. The current situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic excludes this possibility. However, let’s not waste the chance to get a new portion […]

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Blueberry varieties and market requirements

Choosing the right variety of blueberries is one of the key elements of future success in an increasingly competitive market Breeders continue their attempts to provide the best planting material. As a result, the entire industry can continue to grow dynamically in different parts of the world.

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We care, that is why we are here …

It is probably safe to say that the blueberry boom is going on all over the world, and especially in Europe. The global production of these fruits is growing so fast that in the next 7-10 years it may double and reach the level of 2 million tons annually. Experts predict that this does not necessarily mean overproduction, because in many European countries and those outside our continent, consumption and even knowledge of blueberry fruit is still negligible. As consumers grow in awareness (and wealth), the demand for blueberries should […]

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