X International Blueberry Conference – offline & online

The next, 10th edition of the International Blueberry Conference is just ahead of us. After a year-long break related to the pandemic and the organization of online-only conference, we want to return to the traditional stationary form. The conference will be held on March 1 and 2 at the Mazurkas Hotel in Ozarow Mazowiecki (Poland). It will have a hybrid formula, so it is also possible to listen and watch all the lectures on-line.
Blueberry varieties
30 lectures and an international group of lecturers are scheduled for two days of blueberry meetings as part of the X international Blueberry Conference. On the first day of March, lectures will be devoted to agrotechnical issues related to blueberries. Much attention will be paid to varietal issues, the quality of nursery material and unfortunately recently common genetic abnormalities in seedlings. This is a very important aspect in context of purchasing plants from nurseries and their subsequent growth, appearance and yielding on commercial plantations.
Practical knowledge from practitioners
The second day, fully booked with lectures will be devoted to topics related to both blueberry cultivation and factors that affect the development of the market. Practical knowledge acquired on plantations will be shared by growers themselves (Mirosław Garliński – plantation in Dolecko, Mateusz Pilch – BerryGroup and Leon Schrijnwerkers – nurserymen and grower from the Netherlands). The analysis of the season, conclusions, fears and perspectives will surely be discused during these lectures.
Blueberry harvester harvesting
This year, the topic of mechanical blueberry harvesting will also be important. Is it the right time to discuss it? Are the plantations ready for harvesting fruit by machines? Will this method of harvesting allow blueberries to continue to be offered on the dessert fruit market? The topic will be discussed by Mariusz Padewski from Fall Creek and Fumi Takeda for many years associated with the improvement of the blueberry harvesting technique at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
New production markets
Supply, demand, production in particular countries and the demand of the European market – are there still production windows in Europe? Do we have a chance to export blueberries to distant, sometimes even exotic markets? Our lecturers will face such issues. Invited experts will discuss and explain blueberry production development in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Georgia. There will also be an inspiring example of one of the leaders of the blueberry market in Peru. The blueberry production in this country will be presented by Daniel Bustamante Canny, President of the Peruvian Blueberry Producers Association.
Is small processing a good idea?
What about small farms? Is there a chance that their own production of blueberry based processed products may become an added value for them? What are the possibilities in this area? These issues will be addressed by those who have already tried such businesses. This part will be led by Maciej Dolata from INSPIRE smarter branding, who has been involved in promotion of blueberries and other berries for many years, initiator and coordinator of the campaign “Czas na Polskie Superowoce”, “Lato z Borówki” and the Core Team.
The conference is something more …
The International Blueberry Conference, as always, is not only knowledge transfer platform, but also an opportunity for many meetings and making new friends. It gives the possibility of integration, B2B meetings with exhibitors and other participants. It is worth talking, it is worth asking questions, discussing, exchanging views – it costs nothing and you can gain a lot.
Therefore, we urge you to participate in the most important meeting of the blueberry industry. Choose how you wish to participate in the Conference – offline or online. Use the information obtained during it, the knowledge of specialists and established contacts. The program, registration of participants and other information can be found on the website www.konferencjaborowkowa.pl
Program: https://konferencjaborowkowa.pl/en/agenda-program-en/