The International Highbush Blueberry Conference 2021 online

The International Highbush Blueberry Conference for the last few years has been a platform where the whole blueberry Poland and Europe met. Of course, the most important point of this event was and still is the substantive part of the conference itself. The opportunity to meet and learn about the companies’ offer or simply a chance to talk to colleagues from the industry and has always been important. The current situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic excludes this possibility. However, let’s not waste the chance to get a new portion of knowledge about blueberries.
In 2021, the International Highbush Blueberry Conference will be held for the 9th time and for the first time online. There is no other option, given the pandemic condition that has swept the whole world. As organizers, we decided not to squander a chance for further development of the blueberry business. We switched the Conference to online modes to continue providing you with the latest knowledge in the field of blueberry cultivation.
A two-day formula
The International Highbush Blueberry Conference 2021 will last two days and will be held on March 3 and 4, 2021. At the first day lectures will start at 2 pm and the entire block will be devoted to the topic of “Optimal fertilization of blueberries”. We considered this issue extremely important for growers, and at the same time crucial when it comes to the size of the obtained crops. In addition, it must be remembered that by fertilizing, we must not only provide blueberries with the nutrients they need, but also control pH of the soil and substrate. Thus all key aspects such as the method of fertilization, the fertilizers used, their doses and dates of application are very important here. The group of invited specialists will be talking about all these subjects on March 3 (AGENDA).
The next day, March 4, will be full of various, but still very currently important topics concerning both blueberry cultivation, sales opportunities, and all the risks connected to running business in the branch (see AGENDA). We will start at 9.00 am and, with some breaks, the conference will last until 4.30 pm. During and after the lectures, you will be able to ask lecturers questions and participate in discussions. All lectures will be broadcast and translated (POL / ENG / POL) live. Recordings of lectures for registered participants will also be available in the next 10 days after the Conference.
At the same time, participants will be able to use the EXPO zone. In this virtual world of exhibitors, you will be able to visit the stands of chosen companies, see their offer, download information materials, contact a representative or ask for a special offer. Yes, this will not replace the formula of live meetings and talks with representatives of particular companies, but it will certainly give you an opportunity to learn about the newest offers of firms participating in the blueberry market, as well as a chance to learn about new products and solutions necessary for the efficient existence and development of this sector. The EXPO zone will operate for the entire two days (March 3 and 4), and will also be available to registered participants at a later date.
You need to register
In order to participate in the IX International Highbush Blueberry Conference you need to register in advance. We have prepared several participation possibilities for the participants. You can choose a free package that only entitles you to enter the EXPO zone. In order to take an active part in the Conference and listen to all the lectures prepared, it is necessary to make a paid registration. Early registration until February 20 pays off as tickets are cheaper by that date (only 40 euros). In addition, all participants of the Conference will receive a publication “Modern blueberry cultivation 2021”. Articles published in it are written in Polish with abstracts in English. REGISTRATION NOW!
Because we will not be able to meet outdoors this year, we have planned a film coverage of a plantation combined with blueberry pruning shows during the lectures. It will be carried out by Mariusz Padewski, technical advisor at Fall Creek Farm & Nursery.
We welcome you to participate in the most important blueberry industry events.