The organizer of the International Highbush Blueberry Conference is Hortus Media Sp. z o.o., publisher of the internet portals and, and co-editor of the JAGODNIK magazine. We undertake many innovative activities that allow us to promote modern cultivation methods, farm development as well as access to new markets. Outdoor meetings as well as large international conferences organized by our team are to serve not only gaining knowledge, but also, or above all, gaining new contacts thanks to which you can run your business more efficiently and easily.

#Razem Do Celu
Rozwój gospodarstw, budowanie strategii, nowe technologie uprawy, podążanie za potrzebami borówkowego rynku … z tym wszystkim kojarzy się Międzynarodowa Konferencja Borówkowa. Realizacja tego wydarzenia w Polsce, pozwala na umocnienie naszej pozycji jako dostawcy borówek na europejskie rynki.
Borówka to owoc globalny, produkowany na całym świecie, na 7 kontynentach. Dostępny jest dla konsumentów przez 12 miesięcy w roku, produkowany w rożnych technologiach i różnych strefach klimatycznych. Nowe technologie przechowywania i dystrybucji pozwalają na sprawny transport owoców nawet na bardzo odległe rynki i rozwijanie handlu międzykontynentalnego. By uczestniczyć w tym globalnym rynku bardzo ważna wiedza o tym co się dzieje w innych krajach, jakie trendy panują w handlu i czego oczekiwać w przyszłości. Poznaniu tych zasad służy właśnie Międzynarodowa Konferencja Borówkowa.
Our goal is to provide information that is an essential tool for the gardening business functioning. Through multi-directional activities we have created a system that allows fruit and vegetable producers to operate effectively and achieve their goals. Today, knowledge and experience can be the key to success in the production of berries. We offer them both by publishing current information on the web portal and in JAGODNIK magazine and on meetings.
Many growers use this knowledge on an ongoing basis, and the benefits that result from it are evidenced by development and prosperity of farms that we visit every year. It is our greatest satisfaction and joy at the same time that thanks to our work so many companies and farms can continue to develop. It strengthens us and convinces us that we create the berry future together!
# I love blueberry
Together to the goal! This is our motto according to which we implement many innovative projects. The International Highbush Blueberry Conference, organized this year for the 11th time, quickly showed how important access to the latest knowledge and information related to the current production of berry plants is in the development of the blueberry business. This event is attended by 800-950 people every year.